Experience Spirituality and Piety from a Hotel in Puri


Sea remains an important contributor in boosting tourism in Puri. But its religious importance steals the show. The mammoth Jagannath Temple in this city is one of the most important religious places in India. Known as the Swargadwara, this city in Orissa receives pilgrims and tourists from all corners of the world. Thus, it is the seat of the Lord Jagannath, an avatar of Lord Vishnu. He is depicted as the Lord of the universe. The city has always been a remarkable center for art, architecture, tradition and religion. The city is also known as Sankha Kshetra, Nilachal, Srikshetra, Jagannath Dham, Niladri, etc.

There are several myths and legends associated with Puri. It was named Sankha Kshetra after the name of a demon that was killed by the Lord. As you wander around the big stone temple, you will come across several such stories. The temple itself is a traveler’s delight. Besides the religious importance, Puri Jagannath Temple displays superb architecture. The figurines etched along the temple shikhara are beautifully done. They are detailed and the craftsmanship is outstanding. It exemplifies the Kalinga temple architecture. Devotees offering prayer can also get the mahaprasad, which is served every day.

Besides Lord Jagannath temple there are other holy places in Puri, too. There are 5 sacred bathing places. These are collectively referred as the Pancha Tirtha. Indradyumna Tank, Markandeya Tank, Swetaganga, Sea and Rohini Kunda are the five holy tanks. It is believed that your holy trip remains incomplete in Puri if you do visit the Pancha Tirtha. Puri is acknowledged as one the Hindu Char Dhams. Thus, its importance in Hindu religion requires no further description. From times immemorial it has been one of the popular places for the pilgrims.  Moreover, it is the only place where Lord Vishnu is worshipped in the form of Jagannath.

While this holy city receives tourists throughout the year, the Ratha Yatra is an occasion when Puri witnesses the highest number of devotees. This happens every year during the month of July. It is a nine day festival. Hotels are booked beforehand, as early as a month before, so that the devotees can stay here. Ratha Yatra is a regal festival. It is an occasion when Lord Jagannath , along with his brother, Balaram and sister, Subhadra visits the Gundicha temple and their aunt’s place. Devotees also throng Puri during the Rasa Lila.

To cater to the tourists, a number of hotels have been established. A number of them are located along the sea beach. In fact, Puri is one of those places where you can enjoy the sea from your hotel rooms. Every hotel in Puri will offer you impressive services and detailed information about the worship in Jagannath temple. However if you want a sea facing room, it is better to book your rooms in advance. Deluxe and budget hotels, guest houses and lodges- all kinds of accommodation options are available for the tourists. You can book most of these hotels online too.